Monday, October 22, 2012

Rational Irrationality

I think I will start my first confession with this:

My thoughts may be irrational, but the process of getting to those thoughts was clearly rational by objective standards.

What I am thinking at any given time and what ends up coming out of my mouth may seem out of left field or silly or even crazy.  But I promise there is a rational chain of thought that leads to each conclusion.  My husband explains this with the following anecdote.  Several years ago I was making a cement stepping stone as a gift for someone for Christmas.  I purchased a kit at a craft store, took it home, and set up the bag of cement powder, mold, and some water in my basement.   I read the instructions, see that I am to simply mix the water with the cement powder and then poor it into the mold.  I opened the bag of powder like a bag of chips...and cement powder flies into my face.  Some went up my nose.  I inhaled some, I know I did.  My lungs are moist.  They will added water to the powder.  According to the instructions, I probably created cement in my lungs.  I freaked out.  But it makes sense, doesn't it?

I am hoping this blog will take a little of the burden that is my brain off of my husband, mother, and sometimes friends (although I save the worst for my husband and mother).  I will probably write a significant amount about being at home with the boy and dog, shopping (mostly for the boy now), and cooking and how I reconcile how I want to run my house, interact with people, and create with how it actually turns out.  Sometimes it works out perfectly, but most of the time, it is slightly less than perfect.